Circle of Southern Rising Light
My Spirit team is known as the Circle of the Southern Rising Light and their role is to assist me as I continue to develop my spiritual abilities and use my gifts to help be of service to the spirit world.
They work alongside me as I conduct development circles, and work as a Medium or Healer.
Each of my guides have a different role and how I started working with each of them is unique and different, let me introduce them to you.
Spirit artists drawing of Chen Chow
Harvey Fitton
I met Harvey for the first time in 1978 when he to was a circle member at MacKelvie Church and then went on to spend 10 years alongside him until he passed to the spirit world in 1988. In 2012 Harvey came through in a Séance with David Thompson where I asked him to work with me, to which he replied 'yes my boy, I have been waiting 24 years for you to ask me.' Since then he has been instrumental in helping my development and is a loyal friend of mine and the church.
Harry Edwards
Harry Edwards (1893-1976) was a world-renowned Healer and Medium born London. During a Séance conducted with David Thompson in Christchurch, Harry materialised in the room with a photo of himself which he thrust into my lap as proof that we was working with him, Since then Harry has continued to visit our healing circle frequently to conduct healing and share his wisdom and teachings.
Chen Chow
Referring to himself as Chen, he lived in Guangzhou Provence in China from 1749 - 1820. Chen is my primarily healing guide and has been working with me for 13 years. He is a dedicated teacher and works alongside me in all healing and training workshops.
White Cloud
Known for his philosophy and wisdom, White Cloud is a one of the main controls regularly leading my development circles while I am in a state of trance. He helps to guide us through our development journey, walking the path with us to ensure we never feel alone.
Robert A Stephens aka Bobby
Bobby passed at the age of 9 years old. He is a much loved character and has the very important job of balancing the energy in the room when I am in trace. He also aids in trance clairvoyance, helping loved ones come through and connect with those in room. While he doesn't always make his presence known, he has been part of the team since the beginning.